Insights & Analysis

FOW Derivatives World Asia

2nd March, 2017|William Mitting


FOW Derivatives World Asia FOW期货期权世界 – 衍生品世界亚洲会议

Renaissance Harbour View Hotel, Hong Kong香港万丽海景酒店

11 – 12 April 2017                                            2017年4月11-12日

FOW hosts Asia’s largest international derivatives conference in Hong Kong on 11-12 April at the Renaissance Harbour View Hotel, expecting over 600 delegates.

FOW 期货期权世界将于4月11-12日在香港万丽海景酒店主办亚洲最大的国际衍生品大会, 预计将迎接超过600名参会代表。

Topics this year include 今年的议题包括:

-          Adapting to a world of greater protectionism 适应更多保护主义的世界

-          Developing low latency trading businesses   发展低延迟交易业务

-          The return of the price inflation in commodities 大宗商品价格通胀的回归 

-          Opportunities for investor in ETFs    投资者在ETF交易所买卖基金的机遇

-          The latest thinking on the Chinese derivatives market 中国衍生品市场的最新发展和思考

We will have a keynote presentation from the CSRC and a keynote speech from HKEX Chief Executive Charles Li.

届时,中国证监会代表将作主题演讲, 香港交易所行政总裁李小加将作主题发言。

See the full agenda here.    请见 此处中英文议程。 

English-Mandarin simultaneous translation will be provided for all panels and the second day has a number of Mandarin panels.

会议的所有论坛都将安排中英文同声传译, 而且第二天-中国日将有几个中文论坛。

Free places are available for employees of banks, brokerages, asset managers, trading firms and the buyside.   银行,经纪商,基金经理,交易商和买方的员工可以申请免费参会名额。

To register your place, please click here to e-mail Velida Cadjin. Make sure you include English versions of your name, job title and company.  报名,请点击此处电邮Velida Cadjin.   请提供您公司名称,职务和姓名的英文版。 

At the end of the opening day of the conference on 11 April, FOW will host its third annual gala dinner in Hong Kong; a great chance to catch up with peers and clients.    Gala dinner is separately bookable and purchasing ticket is required, please click here to email Joy Tio to book seat.


晚宴须另行购票订位,  点击此处电邮Joy Tio(张莉文) 订位。

We look forward to seeing you in April.
