Insights & Analysis

FFK 10k raises almost £60,000

17th June, 2019|Louisa Chender


Over 150 runners took part in the fun run while Patrick Thornton-Smith pushed Dave Setters round the course

The second Futures for Kids (FFK) 10k fun run has raised almost £60,000 as over 150 runners, and a “pusher”, gathered for the charity event last Thursday.

Following the inaugural event in 2018 to mark 10 years since the launch of futures industry charity FFK, Thursday’s race at the Olympic Park in London raised £59,000.

This almost triples last year’s donations, which reached over £20,000.

Of the 212 registered runners, 158 took part on the day – with the rainy weather most likely putting a few people off.

OSTC chief operations officer Ian Firla won the men’s 10k for the second consecutive year.

FIS’ operational key account manager Hana Evans won the women’s 10k.

Guillaume Battini of Euronext won the men’s 5k while Emma Hatto of recruitment firm Bower Talent won the women’s.

Founder trustee Patrick Thornton-Smith completed the unique take on the fun run as he pushed wheelchair bound Dave Setters round the course – despite tackling a wobbly front wheel most of the way.

FFK introduced the Bernadette (Bernie) Connolly Challenge Cup in honour of the late FFK trustee who sadly passed away last year. Her brother and sister, Eamonn and Mary, ran to remember her.

The fancy dress was won by insurance broking firm Ardonagh Speciality, led by its senior digital market exec Katie Watson.

A team from FOW also completed the race.

Futures for Kids raises funds on behalf of the futures and options industry for charities which work to provide better lives and futures for children internationally.

Donations can still be made via: and